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Meet Our Doctoral Intern – Chelsea Johnson, MS

Chelsea Johnson

MS (2022), University of Southern Mississippi

Chelsea is from Chattanooga, Tennessee. She graduated from Tennessee State University in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. She received a Master of Arts degree in School Psychology from The University of Southern Mississippi in 2022. Chelsea is also currently pursuing her PhD in School Psychology at the University of Southern Mississippi and completing her doctoral internship here at the University of Tennessee. In her spare time, Chelsea enjoys doing DIY projects, exercising, and relaxing in the sun.

Chelsea is a Doctoral Intern through the Tennessee Internship Consortium in Psychology, an APA Accredited Internship program with a school psychology focus. In addition to her placement in the clinic, Chelsea also provides services at Newport Grammar School and through Cherokee Health Systems.

For more information about the KLASS Center, please contact us at or 865-974-6177.