Use the space above to describe what type of support services you have received in the past or are currently receiving and how have they helped you? (For example, tutoring, speech/language service, occupational therapy, counseling, etc.)
Use the space above to let us know what clubs or groups, if any, you have been involved with during high school and/or college.
Use the space above to describe why you want, or wanted, to come to the University of Tennessee.
Use the space above to let us know if you have decided on a major, what that major is, and if not decided yet, what majors interest you the most.
Use the space above to describe what you think your life will be like in five years academically, occupationally, and personally.
Use the space above to describe your personal academic preferences and/or strengths.
Use the space above to describe your personal academic challenges.
Use the space above to describe your personal social strengths.
Use the space above to describe your social challenges.