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Fees for Academic Interventions

Parent-Based Interventions

Work with parents to develop intervention plans to improve reading and/or math skills with their children/adolescents. Initially, plan for a minimum of seven (7) in-office sessions that are spread over about 12 weeks, but depending on specific challenges or severity, could extend for more sessions. Parents are trained how to implement the interventions with integrity at home. Sessions last approximately 50 minutes.


Clinic-Based Interventions

Work with child/adolescent directly in the clinic to develop and implement intervention plans to improve reading and/or math skills. Initially, plan for a minimum of eight (8) weekly in-office sessions, but depending on specific challenges or severity, could extend for more sessions. Sessions last approximately 50 minutes.



* These rates are for services conducted by doctoral student(s), intern(s), or fellow(s) supervised by psychologist. For psychologist only rates, please contact us. Sliding fee scale available depending on family income.