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College Autism Support Series: Mental Health Support

The transition to college can be stressful, and students with autism may face additional mental health challenges. Autism support services programs often include mental health support tailored to the unique needs of students with autism.

These programs typically offer counseling services with professionals who are experienced in working with students on the autism spectrum. This specialized support can address issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress management. Group therapy sessions and peer support groups provide additional avenues for students to share their experiences and receive support from their peers.

Access to mental health support within an autism support services program ensures that students have the resources they need to manage their mental health effectively. This holistic approach to support helps students maintain their emotional well-being, which is crucial for their overall success in college.

For more information about the Postsecondary Autism Support Services (PASS) Program here at UT, please contact Dr. Carolyn Blondin at 865-974-6177 or email