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Meet Our Graduate Clinicians – Stephanie Daniels, MS


Stephanie Daniels

MS (2018), University of Tennessee

Stephanie Daniels graduated in 2015 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.A. in Psychology and a minor in Speech and Hearing Science.  In 2018, she received her M.S. in Educational Psychology from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in school psychology at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. 

Her research interest includes applied work in rural school settings. Stephanie pulls double-duty here at the Center as she also serves as the Clinic Coordinator, so when you call in, chances are good that she’ll be the first person to which you speak.

She is particularly interested in implementing and evaluating interventions that improve academic, behavior, and social outcomes for K-12 students. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family, playing tennis, and hiking.